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Technical Transfer – Starting on the Right Foot

Moving a product between suppliers is not always an easy process. At HUACI Groupwe have transitioned many complex products to our factory. Here is a great example of how we can work in a fast and flexible manner to get your product into production and onto shelves so you can focus on growing your brand!

Ian Gray - Head of Technical Sales

1 Minute

/ 20th April 2022
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Manufacturing

Technical Transfer – Starting on the Right Foot

Recently, HUACI Group Manufacturing was approached by a well-known brand owner to produce their portfolio of personal care products. An extension of their supplement core business, their shower gels were currently tied to another manufacturer and they needed to move their production in a time-sensitive manner. The technical transfer brief appeared straightforward and the specification of the product fits well with our capabilities.

Although somewhat patchy, the product information files and test data seemed in order and the materials were readily available to hit the order dates. However, sampling revealed some major issues instabilities. The method of manufacture and the formulation simply did not produce a stable product in line with the test data.

In the end, it was revealed that a manufacturing specification was required to essentially start the product out of spec, which would correct over time. This was borne out in subsequent stability testing conducted by HUACI Group Manufacturing. Hitherto we have produced many batches of this great product and there have been no issues regarding product stability. Now the client has a full understanding and more robust product information files.

When transferring products to another manufacturer, it's important to understand that issues may be brought to light, and with the right partner, solutions can be found which give you the full picture of your product.


If you are looking for a new manufacturer and would like to move your products get in touch contact us here!