OnePlus Account
How do I unsubscribe from the newsletter?
You may unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time using the following methods:
By email
Click on the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any OnePlus Newsletter. -
Why do I need a OnePlus account?
Can I edit my username?
Why do I need an account to submit a ticket?
How do I edit my OnePlus Account Email?
How do I reset my OnePlus Account password?
I didn’t receive a confirmation email after I changed the password/email address, now I can’t log on to my account at all.
Does OnePlus collect and store my credit card details?
Rest assured that we do not collect or store your credit card details. All payments are handled by either PayPal or Cybersource, based on your method of payment. Once you reach the final stage of the checkout process, you will be taken directly to PayPal’s / Cybersource' secure site. Your credit card details are never accessible to us.
What should I do if I get a payment error?
What payment method do you accept?
How long do I have for payment?
After placing an order, you will have 1 hour to complete the payment. OnePlus will also send out reminders. Orders will be canceled automatically if the payment is not completed within 1 hour. Don't worry if you miss the 1-hour window! Simply re-purchase the items when you’re ready! We are open to everyone, every minute!
How come my credit card payment isn't going through?
What is a CVV number and where can I find it?
What do I do when my online transaction fails?